TMI Tuesday: Seven Deadly Sins edition


This week's theme is the 7 Deadly Sins:  lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride. Heelsnstocking suggested the theme and she and Hedone developed today's TMI Tuesday questions. Don't forget to stop by and visit other bloggers playing TMI Tuesday.

1. LUST (excessive sexual appetites): Besides your current significant other, for whom do you lust or who have you lusted for in the past? Does your significant other know about your lustful desires?
There are just so many! CB from the bus. Our Ukrainian neighbor. A couple from church (she's a yoga instructor). A couple blogging friends (you know who you are). Plenty others.
Oh, yes! Jasper knows about every one of them. We often discuss them during, well, you know.

2. GLUTTONY (over-indulgence): What food brings out your inner glutton?
I'm a total sucker for just about anything sweet. Cookies are probably my ultimate downfall. If I have one, I easily have a dozen. :( I enjoy lots of other foods as well, and have a tendency to overeat. *sigh*

3. GREED (avarice): When it comes to sex, what are you greedy for? When it comes to things, what is it that you want more than your need or deserve?
SEX - I'm pretty greedy all around. I like sex to be all about me. I don't always get it this way, but if I could just lie there and allow someone to devour me, oh damn! I'd just be in heaven.
THINGS - I guess I'd have to say clothes. We live pretty modestly and don't accumulate a lot of things, but I would love to have a full closet and lots of variety.

4. SLOTH (idleness/procrastination): Name a task or activity in which you perpetually procrastinate.
Hands-down, my homework. Especially if it's for an independent study online course where I have to make my own deadlines. I also procrastinate a lot of housework.

5. WRATH (anger) is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury.
a. Describe a time that you were very angry?
Generally speaking, I don't really get very angry.
b. Have you ever been so angry that you thought about revenge? Did you seek it?
No and No.

6. ENVY (jealousy): Who or what do you envy? Why?
I envy those who don't have to live paycheck-to-paycheck.

7. PRIDE (vanity) is the love of one's own excellence, and it is considered the worst of the 7 Deadly Sins.
a. When preparing to meet a lover, what are you most vain about?
I guess I'd probably say the way I dress. I try to find the sexiest, most flattering outfit.
b. What sexual skill are you overly proud and boastful about?
My deep throating skills. :) In reality, I probably talk a better game than in real life, but you can judge with this short video. What do you think?
c. What part of your body are you proud of, boastful about?
Last week's HNT was boastful about my neck. I also think I have nice eyes and cute toes.

Bonus:  What sin do you think is your greatest virtue? For example, what bad thing makes you more appealing?
Perhaps a combination of LUST and PRIDE. Jasper says I'm a pretty fantastic lover because of my enthusiasm. Plus, my lustfulness comes out in my writing. I am Lusting Lola, afterall. And I think my pride in myself, my looks, my writing make me more appealing.
All my readers....I'd love to hear your answer to this question...

Now, go visit Hedone @ The Pleasure Principle to see who else is playing this week.

***Next week's TMI Tuesday theme will be the 7 Heavenly Virtues*** Can't wait!!!

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