Date Night


The last time we met up with CL1, we were pretty disappointed. He was several hours late and then only hung out with us for a short while before we all separated and went to our own homes. It was really frustrating!

After that encounter, we decided we would leave meeting up again to him. The first time was so good, so we were willing to give him another try.

So, the Saturday before Easter, when I received a text message from CL1, Jasper and I were really excited! He wanted to know when we could all get together again. After a few texts back and forth, we decided to meet up Friday night at a bar downtown.  We hadn't been out in awhile, plus it's always exciting to have the possibility of having a threesome.

We met around 9pm at a pretty crowded tequila bar. Jasper and I ordered drinks while we waited. We were pleasantly surprised when CL1 showed up. He looked good! He ordered a drink, and we hung out at the bar for awhile - enjoying good conversation and good margaritas.

Another bar patron joined our conversation for a few minutes. He was pretty hot, too. Reminded me a little of Vince Vaughn. Him coming over to chat with us boosted my ego a little.

Damn, I was looking hot that night! After our second round was finished, I suggested we head to another bar. It's a fun outdoor bar with a fire in the center. It's generally a little quieter and more mellow. Unfortunately, it wasn't really open. We could have ordered drinks inside and then taken them out to the bar, but there was no bar service outside.

CL1 suggested we go to a rooftop bar a couple blocks away. We've been there before as well and really enjoyed it, so the three of us walked to that bar and headed to the rooftop. When we got to the floor below the roof, CL1 said he needed to go to the bathroom and that he would meet us on the roof. We said ok - not thinking anymore about it.

After about 5 minutes, we joked that we'd give him another 15 before heading home. Unfortunately, that joke turned into reality.

We waited and waited.

Finally, I sent a text message asking if everything was OK and if he was still coming to the roof.

No response.


I mean I was looking damn good.
I had been more talkative than usual.
The conversation seemed to be going very well. 

We don't know what happened.

The timing was horrible, too. We missed the last free shuttle by only 5 minutes. The next train was 15 or so minutes away, so we ended up taking a cab home.

The night wasn't a complete disaster. At least Jasper and I did enjoy some amazing sex when we got home.

The day, I tried my best to not dwell on the events of the night before. I tried not to figure out what went wrong. What I could have done differently to change things. Pretty sure, though, we won't be giving CL1 another chance.

Afterall, we still have not received any explanation.

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