Trying New Positions


I should be doing the dishes or jumping in the shower, but I don't feel like doing those things. I'd kind of rather be going back to bed rather than beginning my day. I've been kind of down lately. Maybe if I write a quick blog post, it will help my mood.

One thing I love about my relationship with my husband is our willingness to try new things. It surprises me how some times just the tiniest of change in position can make a world of change.

The other day, I was lying on the bed.
On my stomach.

Jasper came up behind me and just starting kissing my ass. It was indescribly fantastic. He was showering me with light, little kisses right where my ass cheeks met my legs. I can't recall him ever doing this before. Maybe he had. Maybe he hadn't. I just know how incredibly good it felt. I know, technically, they were not butterfly kisses, but that's what it felt like to me in my mind as I lied there enjoying his attention.

As we progessed in the session, we also tried a new anal position. I remained lying on my stomach while he lied on top of me, but with his head down by my feet. We were both horizontal on our stomachs with his cock in my ass. It worked really well for us, and felt omygod so amazing. Plus it's fun to grab onto his feet as my bod began to quiver.

We've done it in this position a few more times. Mmmm...

Now my panties are damp, my nipples are hard, and I've got to get ready for class.

I'm off to take a nice, hot, steamy (if you catch my drift) shower.
Happy Friday!

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