Monday Memories: Hair Cut (Part 1)


It seems whenever I get my hair drastically cut, I do crazy things.

When I was home for Spring Break during my 2nd year of college, I chopped off my hair.
Several inches.

Somehow it was quite liberating.

When break was over, and it was time to return to school, I picked up two girlfriends who were riding back to campus with me. The three of us piled into my little red Dodge Daytona (god, I loved that car) and headed off for the 9-hour road trip.

We were having a great time.

About 5 or so hours into the drive, we started car flirting. It was super fun.

There was one van in particular. We flirted with them for quite a few miles. From what we could tell, there were two cute guys in the van, so about 2 1/2 hours from our destination, we took the plunge and upped the ante.

They were taking the next exit.
We weren't sure if it was their final destination or if they were simply getting gas.
I still had a 3/4 tank of gas, but we decided to feign needing a fill-up to see if they were at the gas station, too.

I couldn't believe I was going to do this? I didn't need gas, but with the encouragement of my friends and my short hair cut, I pulled off the exit and into the gas station.

There they were.

I topped off my gas, and we started talking to the guys.
Turns out there were more than 2 guys in the van.

In fact, we'd managed to catch an entire CARAVAN of boys coming home from Spring Break! :) They'd been on Spring Break in MN.
Of all places.
I know.
It still kind of baffles me.

Granted they were high school boys, but we were really only 1 or 2 years out of high school ourselves, so we didn't mind at all.

Plus we were at a women's college, so...

Anyway, they all happened to live about 90 miles from our campus, and we made many, many trips up to see them over the course of the rest of the semester.

Looking back, 90 miles seems a LONG ways, but well, like I said, we were at a women's college. LOL.

Ah. Good times.

Have you ever picked up someone on the freeway or in another unusal location or fashion? Tell us about it in the comments (or link us to your blog post).

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