Equal Opportunity Luster


When hanging out with some college friends recently, one friend kept joking about getting a male escort that was big, black and bald. I'd say she has a type. She's even married to a guy that pretty much fits that description.

Another friend seemed to really only be attracted to white guys - at least that's who she flirted with the most while at the night club.

Me? Well, that night I was really into Indian men.

And that's when it hit me. I don't have a type.

When I was explaining this to Jasper, I said, "You know, I'm an equal opportunity..." 

I couldn't think of the perfect word when Jasper offered luster.

That's it!

As an equal opportunity luster, I simply can't pinpoint or perfectly describe to someone what or who I find attractive. It's just something that I know.
Sometimes that guy is blond or brunette, white or black or Indian, tall or short, great arms, great ass, facial hair, tats, etc, etc, etc.

Sometimes it's a girl.

I still would never describe myself as bi-sexual. I'm just an admirer of the female form, and, well, sometimes I like to play with girls, too.

Recently we came across a term: bi-playful

Yeah, I think that describes me. There are definitely times when I just really want to be with a girl. I've been jonesing pretty hard for one lately. In fact, I nigh on picked up a girl at a club the other night.

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