cure a feminist?


This seems wrong in so many ways it just made me laugh. Erospainter never fails to entertain. I can't help thinking in the first instance this 'article' is definitely tongue in cheek. Thinking more deeply there are probably many male heads nodding and smiling wryly as brands of feminist theory roll in their grandmother's graves. The article, I suspect not published in peer reviewed rags, cites some middle weights in the world of women's issues. I laughed as I thought about continued stereotyping, that a girl can't be girly and sexually driven without being devoid of all feminist compulsion. I laughed harder when I saw the comments of some typically riled women (follow the link to Erospainter)...please girls, this article should be taken for what it is..the target audience is perhaps already converted to this way of thinking.

This lil sub wet slut knows exactly where her power lay.

MAXIM November 2003 - Hmm not  a current article


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