out & proud


I went to my very first BDSM event last night. Part of a local festival and all part of my journey of discovery. I am tasting the delights not usually easily accessible to me.

Flicking through the festival guide I spotted it. The local BDSM community were putting on an event, a show for the 5th yr in a row. I looked at my hub...'lets go', I said.

He looked, considered and to my surprise was more eager than I thought he would be. He is changing, my sweet non-Dom man. In my dreams one day he will shake off the label non-Dom.

Having booked the tickets I became very excited as the night approached. the anticipation was like I was going on a first date. Wondering what it might be like, Who would I meet? What would a wear (a biggy)? Would anyone recognise me? My town is quite large, but very small. A small city.

What I would wear actually turned out to be the most satisfying part of the evening, believe it or not. The freedom to dress in a way I had never dressed and needed to. I was able to frock up..sky high heels, fishnets, pencil skirt, tight top unbutton to reveal far too much flesh and understructures. The girls bouncing, pushing out of their encasement. I walked through the streets dressed like a $5 hooker,  the street in town renowned for the seedier side of life. It was a fabulous release. I was embarrassed to let my slut shine in public, though I did have a red flower in my hair to bring a bit of decorum.

My husband ran his hand down my breasts, in public, most unusual for him to be unashamedly unbashful (new word :)). He was proud of me. Proud I was his. He stood back and watched as men and women approached me. I was very turned on by that. This was a new experience for both of us. He seems more sure, less threatened by my sexuality than ever before. I am relishing that. It makes him all the more sexy and desirable in my eyes.

I would go to these events again for that alone..just to be able to dress my li'l slut wet girl and be touched inappropriately by my husband with a gleam in his beautiful dark eyes. Arrrgh I am so in love with my man.
We met a couple of warm, accepting and friendly people. After they had done their thing in fact, a beautiful stylised display of a playtime, a Master, his wife and their girlfriend, which rether sounds like the title to a an English Rom-Com, approached us.

I had been noticing him all night and the girlfriend, young and very curvy in the nicest possible way. Beautiful breasts  that made me want to sink my teeth and lips into them.
He was muscular, older and bare chested. A very commanding presence, the most commanding in the room.

I have been introduced to "the scene".  I think that will sate my curiosity. It was dark and very Goth and not at all intimidating though I am more the poster girl, cherry tart type of girl. The ritual surrounding the darker leather and studded event did not really capture my imagination. Certainly the submission did, but the ritual of the M/s thing seemed out of context with the contemporary world which for me to perform these rituals would make me feel silly rather than submissive.

I have tasted the event scene and now am happy to leave it where i found it. It was nice to be 'out' and proud. Liberating to be somewhere I was accepted for my kink, even though it was not like their kink.

BDSM Barbie - Nancy Farmer copyright


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