Life has been busy. You know that. I know that.
After finishing school, Jasper and I took off on an incredible adventure. We're still in the midst of it, but we're also pausing for several months in Las Vegas.
Without the stresses of student teaching, and with a consistent internet connection, I'm hoping to blog much more often about life in Vegas. I can feel a bit more comfortable dressing a bit more provocatively.
For example, I was lounging in my bikini this afternoon when the maintenance man came by to update a couple things.
No, this isn't going to turn into porn, but it was liberating to not feel the need to cover-up my suit.
Now, as I type this, I've taken off my bikini top and am sitting in front of our ground-level, front room windows topless. Only in Vegas. :)
And who knows? Perhaps we'll have more opportunities to have more fuck buddies while we're here.
Jasper is out pursuing a job at local strip club; I'll be job hunting tomorrow.
In the meantime, we're taking life slow - lounging in the pool as often as possible.