

I have taken the plunge, I am breathing.

I know this sounds strange and a little flakey, but I swear I am breathing more deeply, more evenly and just so relaxed.

The date came around again. I dressed, I was fear, just pure excitement. I felt sexy, strong. I felt so beautiful.

He took me through the range of emotion that I love so much. The kinky little bitch loves to feel fear, loves to be brought to tears. He did that. He appreciated me, he brought me to my knees. Giggling, laughing..screaming in pain, fearing it but wanting it. Kinky lil bitch.

I just can't believe it is so much fun!

Today, my breath is deep, all the way to the bottom of my lungs. Pure and healing. I am walking tall and the world is amazingly bright.

I think I need another hit before it wears off!


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