On Assignment


Credit: Islands.com
 “Mmmm…” I stretched lazily – another day in paradise. I had been on several assignments before, but this one had truly captured my heart.

The soft rustle of the wind through the palm trees.

The calming crash of waves.

It was perfect!

I wanted to stay in bed all day, but I knew I’d need to go meet my guide soon. Reluctantly, I hopped out of bed, ran my fingers through my hair – pulling it back into a loose ponytail – checked my camera bag to make sure I had everything, and set out to meet my guide.

He was an island native – spoke little English, but knew the land better than anyone. We hiked everywhere, pausing here and there to snap some pictures, relishing in the wonderment of the island.

The day passed by quickly. Before I knew it, I was back at the resort sipping a cocktail – exhausted.

I sighed blissfully.

As I relaxed with my drink, reflecting on the events of the day, I couldn’t help but notice the attention I was getting from the woman across the bar. Her smile was captivating.

Our eyes locked.

She joined me at the bar…and later, in my cabin…

Credit: source unknown

Kind of a different challenge for FFF this week. We were supposed to use both pictures to book end a story. In addition to the photos, we were challenged to include the phrase "...soft rustle..." and keep the word count to 181-199 words.  The word count was definitely a challenge this week, and this story came in at 197 words.

I hope you enjoyed my take - even though it's not outright sexy. I'd love to hear what you thought of this story.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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