the phonecall


Her phone rang, she glanced quickly at the screen, distracted from the pretty sparkly things she was looking at in the shop. She saw his name and struggling coordinate her fingers and shopping packages she dropped the phone. He was gone.

Sorry, I missed your call. Dropped the phone. She sent the text.

She didn't know him well. They had been talking online for only a short while but just long enough for her to have asked him for his number. They had talked a couple of times, awkwardly. She was so much more comfortable with the computer screen. She could say almost anything in text, she could even type that word the word that she still found difficult to say. Her tongue always let her down. Her eloquence was lost when she needed to hide her shyness.

There was no reply, no matter how hard she stared at the little screen in her hand. Feeling the disappointment deeply she sighed and went on with her shopping.

In a few minutes the phone in her pocket vibrated against her pelvic hip. Her body tingled with a visceral excitement emanating from her iliac fossa.

Take your panties off. Leave them off for the rest of the day.

She looked around for the nearest ladies room and found it straight across from where she stood. As she entered the bathroom the phone rang. She was breathless as she put it to her ear.

"Have you removed your panties?"

"I am going into the toilet cubicle now."

"Hurry up, you have kept me waiting long enough girl."

She hurried into the next available cubicle and slipped the panties down all the while describing her activity to the phone.

"Now! Put your fingers in that little wet cunt."

He could hear the gasp telling him she had penetrated herself, violated her wetness on his instruction. It had been hard work to get her here, but he knew she would be worth it. He could hear it in her breath, in the way she immediately did the things he asked. She followed instructions to the letter and he was very prescriptive. So far she had not failed him.

"Rub your clit."

She rubbed. She heard the noises of women coming and going to the cubicles either side of her. Noises echoed from the hand dryers blowing, the flushing of the toilets, heels clicking loudly on the tiles. She tried to be so quiet, even with all this noise and so many women in the bathroom she was sure she might be heard. Heard acknowledging his instructions. Heard in the little gasps and moans she tried to muffle.

"Bring yourself to the edge."

She realise that the shadow of her motion was falling under the door of the cubicle. She pushed herself futher into the back corner of the cubicle, arranging her feet so they could not be seen from the cubicles either side of hers.

"Tell me when you are going to cum."

She told him of all the people, she was concerned they knew. She could not concentrate.

"I don't care, do what you are told, do what you need girl."

She came closer still, her breath ragged, tiny beads of sweat on her face. It was hard standing up..but she came closer, so close she thought she would cum.

"Yes, I am going to cum."



"STOP! don't you cum. Take your fingers away. STOP!"

"Noooooo," she almost shouted into the phone.

She pulled her hand away as her eyes watered and she tried to stop everything that was wound up inside her. Everything that was throbbing. Everything that was breathless and dizzy and moaning.

"Now, go and find somewhere private, let me know when you are there."

She drove more quickly than she thought she should. She exceeded the speed limit. She needed to get home. That's where she needed to be. Home on the bed, naked,  phone in hand. Made to do whatever he wanted. Made to do what she needed.

artist unknown

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