it tastes like a woman


The ever interesting FD has been having a little discussion lately sparked by Kitty on the topic "Australian kisses", like french kisses but down under! :)

The discussion took the inevitable turn, do we girls like it? Do we like the taste, tasting ourselves? and today...Does He like the taste, the scent?

My comment started turning into essays and thoughts free-ranging through my head. Hmm perhaps a blogspot FD.

As fate would have it after commenting on FD's first Australian kisses post, I was subject to the most adorable, hot, sensual and wet down under kiss. Curious me, I asked 'Do you like the taste?' He smiled and nodded. I asked him why...

'It tastes like a woman.'

Well! Excuse me for adoring him. I think that might be the best, sexiest, most melting moment answer I have ever heard. It was an answer so completely uncontrived, so completely spontaneous I felt my nipples harden and my pussy clench.

I will admit to being surprised at some of the comments and opinions around this. I am naive I think. I assumed that most people on the TTWD path engaged freely and happily in all things oral. There is much emphasis on cock sucking, nibbling, worshipping. It is a central theme in all things TTWD. It is viewed as virtuous for a slut to be on her knees with a throat full of her Master / Daddy / Sir's cock. Turn the tables and it seems that some she's don't need or even want the same.

This confuses me, though it does tell me that there is not a clear formula for behaviour in TTWD / BDSM. The confusion for me comes because TTWD / BDSM has given me a freedom in my sexuality. I do remember a few years ago pushing P away when he wanted to do the Australian Kiss. I tolerated it, but didn't enjoy it. My mind was filled with worries about the smell and the taste, was I clean for him?  TTWD has given me the freedom to let go, the freedom to enjoy, the freedom to taste like a woman.

artist unknown

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