Monday Memories: 1st Anal


A begged me for years to let him try my ass.

No way!
Too gross. Too wrong.
No, thank you.

I don't think I ever let him even try.
Not even a finger.

My ass was way off limits.

Then our relationship ended.

A few months later, I found myself on vacation in Hawaii.
I was supposed to be visiting an old college friend, which, ulimately, I was BUT we went out on the town my first night there, and well, I hooked up with a nice (hehe) Navy boy and, well, pretty much ended up spending most of my vacation hanging out with him.

One of our first nights together, the topic of anal came up.
I'm not sure what magical words he used to convince me to give it a try, but I said yes.

He was ill-prepared.
No lube in the house.

So, while I waited on his bed, he snuck off to the kitchen for some oil.
Olive, I think.

He slicked up my ass and his cock and slid right in.

This was quite a long time ago now.
I don't really remember anything about how it felt.

But I do know how much I love it NOW!
Well, not all the time, but I definitely couldn't imagine life without it.

Now tell us about your first experience with anal. Leave a comment with your memory or with a link to a post on your blog.

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