FFF: Smoky Haze


(Source image: "Dita's Bear" by Sean McCall)
100-200 words
"...smoky haze..."
There was a smoky haze outside as I fought my way up the mountain to her cabin. I had received her note and was anxious to see what I would find waiting for me. Now if only I could find my way to this cabin. The haze and the unfamiliarity of my surroundings are making me weary.

There! Up ahead!

My eyes finally rest upon a quaint, little, rustic cabin. There is no sign of another vehicle, and I wonder if she has gotten waylaid somewhere. Sensing disappointment, I park and walk to the door.

As I knock, I think I hear someone…or thing… stirring inside, so I gingerly turn the knob and press the door open.

A smile immediately illuminates my face as I discover my lover beckoning to me from the bear rug in the center of the one-room cabin. My cock twitches as I take in the beauty of her voluptuous breasts staring out at me from the opening of her satin robe and her sultry smile begging me to join her.

I run to her, taking her in my arms. My fingers entwining in her hair as our eyes lock and our lips meet.

Flash Fiction Friday!
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